024 – The Mighty Thorcules

Download the "Mighty Thorcules" Episode.
Download the "Mighty Thorcules" Episode.

We wrap up our Thorcules Arc with the titular trade, “The Mighty Thorcules,” a collection of hilarious issues from the comic The Incredible Hercules, by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Reilly Brown, and Rodney Buchemi. It’s a lot of creators, but it’s a lot of worth it as well. Also, you try and pronounce “Alflyse of Svartalfheim.” For more info about upcoming or previous episodes, check out the show schedule on our website, www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com.

023 – Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson, Vol. 3

Download the "Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson" Episode.
Download the "Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson" Episode.

The Mighty God of Thunder leaps into the middle of our Thorcules arc in “Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson, Vol. 3.” We spend a good amount of time marveling at the myriad references and allusions to classic Norse culture and mythology, bemoan the existence of the Power Pack (seriously?), and swoon for Volstagg. For more information about upcoming or previous episodes, check out the show schedule on our website at www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com.