138 – Teen Titans: The End

Download the "Teen Titans: The End" episode.
Download the “Teen Titans: The End” episode.

Our Teen Titans series concludes with a trio platter of animated goodness as we watch “Teen Titans: The End.” These final three episodes of the cartoon’ fourth season focus around more than just Raven and her father, but also the support friendship survives, and the importance of hope as a well of strength. plus, SLADE WILSON IS HARDC0R3!!!!1!!11! For more info on past or future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!

136 – Teen Titans: Judas Contract

Download the "Judas Contract" episode.
Download the “Judas Contract” episode.

We kick off our Teen Titans series with the seminal “Judas Contract” by Marv Wolfman. In this story, the newest member of the team reveals herself to be a double agent working for Deathstroke the Terminator. We talk about the themes of empty hate, personality extremes, and abandoning our veterans. I knew I should’a listened to my momma when she told me to be an exotic dancer. Mebbe next time, greenskin. For more information on past or future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!

105 – Identity Crisis

Download the "Identity Crisis" episode.
Download the “Identity Crisis” episode.

Our DC Let Down arc starts off with the big daddy of controversial comics: “Identity Crisis.” Written by Brad Meltzer with art by Rags Morales and Michael Bair, this comic kicks you until you fall to the ground crying, then kicks you some more. We talk about the depressing, violent, sexualized themes in this comic along with their repercussions on the super hero genre. For more information on past and future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!