069 – Star Wars: Legacy

Download the "Legacy" episode.
Download the "Legacy" episode.

Our last episode in our Star Wars series, “Legacy” takes us into the future and shows up the inheritors of the Skywalker name. Let’s just say that things are pretty extreme. The galaxy’s a dark place and our only savior is a Bounty Hunter/Space Pirate/Jedi/Sith/Druggie/Person named Cade. Yeah, this just might be fan fic. But for some reason, we kinda love it anyway. For more information on past or upcoming shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!

068 – Star Wars: Dark Times

Download the "Dark Times" episode.
Download the "Dark Times" episode.

We leap forward to the days of the Empire with “Star Wars: Dark Times” by Mick Harrison and Doug Wheatley. We talk about what it means to be a jedi and why the young Vader doesn’t live up to our hopes. Also, talking rats, lions, and dinosaurs — oh, my! For more information on past or upcoming episodes, check out www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com.

067 – Knights of the Old Republic

Download the "Knights of the Old Republic" episode.
Download the "Knights of the Old Republic" episode.

Since we all have Star Wars on the mind anyway, we decided to do a series of comics set in that old, far away galaxy. First up is “Knights of the Old Republic,” the story of an unlikely jedi hero and his unusual connection with the force. Plus, a rowdy discussion of what sets Extended Universe Canon apart from FanFic riff raff. For more information on past and upcoming episodes, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com.